Rich Vos has fans outside of this sub and they are giant faggots.

53  2019-05-15 by marioncruise


Russell is a giant faggot.


How are you a fan of an O and A comic and not laugh when someone says that to you? Oh yeah, faggot

Must have seen Rich on Last Comic Standing or something.

They all type the fucking same. They start off by insulting you for doing one thing (being thin-skinned), and then finish their response doing the exact same thing.

I don't mean to sound like a 4chan faggot, but by "they" I mean normies.

I called someone a loser in a thread the other day. A faggot replied with:

Get a life dude. Do you not have anything better to do than call people losers on the Internet? Why are you even here? Sounds like your the real loser.

Same exact thing but with different variables. Made fun of me for calling someone a loser, and then finished by calling me a loser.

It's all just so fucking tiring.

Get a life dude. Do you not have anything better to do than call people losers on the Internet?

Why are you even here? Sounds like your the real loser.

this could be considered brigading but fuck it

Well it's just a demonstration to point out that arguing, in real life or on the internet, is for women. When someone on the internet tries to start something with you over some gay topic, just choose something hurtful like you hope their mother gets cancer, and keep repeating it in fun and creative ways.

why are you trying to be logical?

the rules of reddit are logically enforced and we already are only a bunch of shit lists

i personally dont care, just dont know if your aware of how this thread is gonna be perceived

/u/MrStealYourVape Did you return to delete your comment later after defending it (like a woman) or did the mods decide you were wrong?

Either way, I look forward to the answer.


Mods in this group will end up just like the ones in the old one, mark my words.

I don't mean to sound like a 4chan faggot, but by "they" I mean normies.

Confirmed 4chan faggot.

I had a 4chan once, the other 3 guys ripped me apart.

You're doing the lords work.

It's all just so fucking tiring.

Melodramatic faggot

Dude, stop using the rest of reddit. Its not worth it

Going into other subs and posting like it is here is surprisingly fun. Got banned from /r/historymemes just yesterday for calling someone a "chapofag".

I stand by it. Because they were and they need to be outed.

I cant handle it. I get legitimately angry and its depressing

The only one that pissed me off was /r/happy. Where I was banned for "spieceism" because I said "you're whole family is a buncha rats".

/r/videos got me for "witch hunting" when I posted the cake stomp video years ago.

I like how a light jab is taken as being thin skinned. Who was the thin skinned one here?

I bet if someone called him a pederasty practicing nigger faggot fuck boy, he would have a mental breakdown.

Thanks brothaman, I might take another jab when I can. Seems like an east target.

He's a mess

Pretty sure he'd be in standard company here. He's just too honest to fit in.

a little thin skinned


If I spent money on a comedy show and the glorified mic stand started doing crowd work, I would boo them until I was removed.

And you're not even Jewish.

Russell is a gay pederast

Update, this dude has Tomlinson potential. Has a YouTube channel dedicate to space craft, drinks heavily and has very thin skin.


Also he takes his mom to comedy shows, let's not forget that.

Marion tells it like it is.

You're goddamn right!

Marion, have you lost weight?

ya i hit da gym, 6 dollars a month i i think its pretty cheap

I heard you don’t drink no more?

only wine and soda water once in a while its good for ya

Russell Scott is a potty mouth.

Murder is a joke train he won't ride on

And he probably used the exact same set of insults and jokes on you as he did on the other random couples he selected over the last 10 years’ worth of shows. How is an illiterate supposed to write an act anyway?

"A little thin-skinned as it were"

Oh yuckeroo

Making it obvious that someone on the internet bothered you is the weakest thing you can do. Even if they really do bother you, you don't let them know. That way lies faggot.

When visiting the show with my mother.

Theres a healthy middle ground between that and Anthony with Roe.

With my mom