Holy shit, someone has the balls to cast Mel Gibson in a movie straight up called Rothchild

12  2019-05-14 by WaterFromTheWell


As much as I hate Shia Le Boof and his political bullshit, he isnt that bad of an actor.

He did some strong, distinct character work in Fury. Kinda reminded me of John Cazale.

That said, I'm okay never seeing him again. Its not like his talent is all that unique.

I'd take him over that faggot James "I'm a college art house deep individual" Franco any day though.

Same. While i think both are douchey, at least LaBouf comes across like a guy who believes in what he's saying. Franco is 100% phony.

He's like John cazale in that I hope he also gets Cancer. He can act though. Hus crazy seems good for that

All his dialogue will just be Mel saying what he really thinks

Mr burns from the simpsons is jacob rothschild