Hey guys, I've hired a team of developers to make a Mel Gibson bot. I'm raising $60,000 for the project. If you donate $1,000 I will personally send you a thank you message and will also let you decide how many times Mel says 'fuck' in the bot response.

79  2019-05-14 by marioncruise


Thanks, Jimmy. We've loved your character for so long, we really want to help you finance and create this project we're all so passionate about! It will work so well in the animation genre! There's no way you'll completely fuck this up!

I legitimately wont motherfuck you guys.

Well, you'd tell us if you would, so....

Alright Jimmy. We’ve give you plenty of money and time. Can you please at least give us a teaser to see what you’ve been working on?

I feel as bad for people who donated to norden as i do the rich twats who went to fyre.

At least those people got a view of some sandy beaches and a couple sandwiches.

bad faggot

Did anyone who gave him money ask him come out tell him off?

im chip chipperson and im here to say

Was watching those two guys of questionable ethnicity on Revenge Of The Cis last week, and the smaller one made a decent Norton Stoke 60k from truckers joke. I know they're old O/A fans and they try to pander to us, but I have to imagine most of their viewers are like "who the fuck is Tony Two Shirts?".

The worm looks like Joe Pesci after 10 years in the jungle.