Who crossed the street first, the tortoise or the young black man?

0  2019-05-13 by LoouisCuCkpartDeux


Easy. The tortoise. Black people just walk IN the street.

Just another one of those things that make no sense other than to purposely ignore rules

It's not just black people, white ghetto bums do it too because they've never been able to afford to drive so they don't understand that the road is a space for normal people in vehicles.

I live in Florida and have known plenty of white trash and this is almost exclusively done by black people

I live in rural Canada and I know like 3 black people so I've seen it done pretty much exclusively by poor and stupid white people.

Where in rural Canada?

Nunaya FUCKIN' business.

it's Thompson Manitoba isn't it?

Ontario. Prairies are gay.

I volunteered all across the country with Katimavik. The prairies suck dick

Nice gaining life skills and work experience while contributing to community development through volunteerism, stupid.

my Daddy was born just outside Saskatoon, I prefer living in Vancouver

From coast to coast, all our big cities are absolute shit to live in. I'll give Quebec City a pass because I'm biased

I lived in Montreal for 6 years, I loved it. Vancouver is one of the few places on the planet that I would live but it's getting too crowded. I'll probably be bailing out soon and either moving up to Whistler or the Okanagan.

Now, now.

got it, Sudbury it is

Nice cropping skills, stupid

Young black man can walk a lot faster than a tortiose