Yahoo isn't afraid to drop the breaking news headlines this Mother's Day

29  2019-05-13 by KarlosMarkas


Type a broad you can raw dog knowing you won’t have to pay child support past the age of 2. Win-win if ya ask me

God bless her

Still a better mom than I ever was.

Did you also recieve this news as a push notification?

Yeah but I have all Casey Anthony related news set to notify though

I want to marry Casey Anthony!

Shes a real problem solver

Once she’s finally ready, she’s probably be a great mother to your children.

At least child support wouldn't be a problem.

What about Cumia, Anthony


Seriously, remember when his tweets claiming she was coming to the Compound were in the realm of possibility? Seems like forever ago.

Ugh, a visit to the Compound would be a huge blow to her reputation

Yeah well she’s not a mom anymore so 🤷🏿‍♂️

What do they want her to do? Wear a shirt with a picture of Kaylee? Drink her coffee from a "world's greatest mom" mug?

I’d still fuck the crazy murdering bitch

I should see if she'll babysit my neighbors kids.

Well she's not a mother, so why would she celebrate?

Still a better mom than ever was.

Bitch dont have a mom tho?

Her mom disowned her for the whole "I'm pretty sure she killed my granddaughter so she could party more" thing

Still a better mother than Roe Cummya.

Still looking fine AF