Forced memes that aren't taking off (1/100)

0  2019-05-12 by Ant_Sucks


Dassa scab I won't pick

It's the most popular trend on the sub right now, you queeb.

How are people perplexed by the Henry Rollins thing? All the wide-blast-radius shitting on people who have nothing to do with O&A, but now Henry Rollins and people are like “hey, that’s bizarre, what relevance does this individual have to the Opie and Anthony radio program?”

Isn't he constantly creeping around on the other SXM rock channels?

Yes. And he has been on O&A and O&J, and Rogan.

This meme would seriously take off if he became aware of it, the humorless faggot would probably threaten to sue the instant he heard about it.

It took off you faggot

Much like the minorities who murdered his roommate/lover

Someone's a bit jealous

It's very funny. Rollins is possibly the greatest douchebag who ever lived and we need to celebrate that.

Its horrifically unfunny but we’ve had worse filler I guess.

Like those stupid beefer posts. God, I hate them, except whenever I see one.