"Does anyone want to play Gun Club VR with me?"

41  2019-05-12 by YangtzeRiverChina


Wha happen?


Unfunny faggot wants us to be involved with his message board beef

Oh god, it's that faggot who just quotes Sopranos all the time. Hateable fucking loser.


He belongs in a retirement community.

Skin like a crackwhores ass cheeks.

Nice skin, fatso

I thought he was a Brewers fan.

What the FUCK is that?

He looks like he's stolen a vape or two in his time

u/GunClubVRMod comment?

Nice tiny hat on fat head, stupid

It looks like a normal size hat.

Haha ya know something? You’re right. This guy just seems to have a fat, large head!

Wigger mister potato head

It has to be said............Why the long face?