Porsalin has a new documentary out

0  2019-05-12 by SirSodomy

It’s about YTer Sargon of Akkad. It’s fucking shit though. Porsalin didn’t do horribly, it’s just that he chose to do uninteresting content, but I guess that guy is popular among certain groups

The Reddit O&A shit is funny and often drips into real life, all of that documentary is just YouTube and Discord faggotry


I tried watching it but I didnt understand anything that was happening

Does it still have his trademark wit?

And the raw machismo of lemme say that other one, you know, wth the guy. God what a cunt

Yeah like the Owen Benjamin shit. Who cares about this guy outside of his own channel.

I actually liked the Owen Benjamin doc because the guy became so unhinged it was funny.

The problem with this doc is that there doesn’t seem to be any real meltdowns, it’s just “exposure” of hypocrisy among people who discuss how much they hate feminism

I haven’t watched it all, but I sincerely doubt that one of these guys is gonna have their baby ejected out of the front window of their car after stealing a sound bar

Well Sargon is a Brit so nothing he does is all that interesting.

“Sargon” is running for parliament or some shit to raise his visibility. I guess it’s working.

Exactly this, he just can't stop being British.

it looks gay, i probably won't get bored enough to see it in the foreseeable future.

If gay you tubers gossiping on private discord servers are your thing, be prepared for the ride of your life.

I hate his shtick. ‘Oi! I’m saying mean things in a sissy, faux-professional broadcasting voice!’
