"Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia: I can take these on because I'm strong, but there are too many baboons on the hood of this safari car, and we're driving quickly towards the park gate."

76  2019-05-11 by HiawathaOfMiletus


Best one yet.

Ha ha ha.

Baboons, eh? 😏

This ain't your show, pal.

A baboon on the hood of the safari car? That's a gummy, do nothing, gold digging niggress that a used to be funny comedian shouldn't allow on his podcast.

Why is this faggot always trying to look like a statue.

I hate how fancies himself some sort of tough guy philosopher

Poet Warrior™️

just get a job. in 20 years you'll be dead, it wont matter how hard you pushed the narrative. just shut up mr rollins.

I have no idea where these originated from, but please dont stop.

How's do these not get old? Fucking Christ