Our Lord created many different creatures for us to admire! Remember, no matter the size or the abilities; all of our Lord’s creations should be loved and respected equally. Thank you, Father! 🙏🏻

16  2019-05-11 by timallenonacid


What animals are those?

Prairie 🙏🏻 dogs

They’re adorable and stand like people

they sure are, all of His creations are. Praise Him!


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Aw, cuter than a mug

Titillatingly so!

Look how fat they are- fat with the Lord's bounty, that is!

excellent observation!

Fuck these little bastards, they ruin vegetable gardens.

they enhance our lives with their presence. If greed was not a suit you chose to fashion, you would son realize vegetables were planted by our Lord for all of his creatures to enjoy. Not just you!


How the fuck is my aunt Alisha supposed to make her famous baked ziti without the tomatos, onions, and garlic she picks fresh from her garden?

Tell the greedy bitch to bake one less loaf this year

Except for wasp. Fuck wasps.

Thank you father, you've blessed my monitor today

But where are the beefers?