Wholesome Treats

4  2019-05-11 by timallenonacid


Hopefully these were Dylan Klebold's classmates.

I remember seeing this ad during Uh-Oh on YTV back in the day.

now you can sing along once more! What a nice activity between prayer on a sunny Saturday afternoon! Praise our Lord!


Push Pops were better, child.


Baby bottle pops were for faggots. Real niggas got Ring Pops.

Baby Bottle Pops were a wholesome and delicious treat for all children to enjoy worldwide. What’s most important to remember, is that not only did you get a candy reward, you were stimulated by the fun of suckling and dipping the bottle tip into powder. Ring Pops only had the treat factor, and were a crass reminder of superficial wealth and the sin of idolatry marketed towards children.

So you’re wrong and you’ve also stormed into a wholesome thread spewing profanity and foul talk like a drunken Andy Dick. And we all know how our Lord feels about Andy Dick.

77 Hail Marys.

Baby bottle pops were a tool of the sodomites, they simulated the lickin and sucking of tiny, colorful gay penesis. Not to mention the intentional infantalization of our white youth. The ring pop was fashioned in the image of a wedding ring to honor the commitment a man makes to his wife when he makes that most sacred of vows.

spoken like a true sodomite. Only a sick minded heathen would even know about the depraved acts that you speak of, let alone correlate wholesome treats with such behaviours.

I’ll pray for you, but I fear you may be too far gone.