Tfw the subreddit moves and you don't get to be a mod anymore.

67  2019-05-11 by MrStealYourVape


this nigga needs to get off reddit and on a treadmill

how the fuck does this photo exist

like why did someone take it? and why is his expression like that? and then why did he or somebody upload it?

none of this makes sense.

it really doesnt. not even to say “this guy is so fat he shouldnt be online” because thats just stupid

but if your this fat, why post a picture of yourself to your public profile

its just as bad as fat bitches who think they are sexy

Pretty little psychos?

It looks professionally done too

It's his high school graduation picture which is why the lighting took off 25 pounds.

Faggo is wearing make up.

Gorgeous eyes. Too bad about the brown regions of stained skin around his mouth where the fat folds grow mold and trap spaghettio sauce.

He does have beautiful eye color.

Fat man’s curse. I’ve been told I have nice eyes but alas, I’m 370 pounds

BUT... are you 6'1"??

Dirty grundle-mouthed fatso.

Those thin, ranch dressing-embossed lips look like a tidy pair of cunt flaps.

When you get a bulldog, you're supposed to clean the jowls and facial folds with a q-tip dipped in peroxide. Just a tip, ToolMan.

The whole idea of owning a somewhat popular sub is stupid.. there has to be a failsafe to prevent some mod on a power trip to just shutitdown on a whim otherwise all reddit would just be a constant dramafest .

What, some guy who doesn't work for this shithole site can just shut down idk r/mastic bc he feels like it?

Incompetent faggot mods couldn't reel in that junkie thief or at least complain to the admins about that vapophiles shenanigans. No recourse no plan of action nothing..just..hei some fat fuck changed the password idk aylmao lol ..were lucky Antwan is deep in obscurity otherwise he would have rightfully gloated about the sad demise of the old place

There isn't which is why reddit is a shithole. r/punchablefaces was pretty good until a faggot SJW mod took over and didnt like people being mean. The dumb Asian reddit CEO face was the top post for a while which is kinda funny

He is so fucking salty about that, too. He shows up here, reports any posts he sees about himself as "Targeted Harassment against me", and disappears again. Doesn't ever post, despite not being banned. Just lurks and tattles.

Him and SpaceEdge lurk here.


Fat fuck

SpaceEdge banned SpaceEgde for impersonating a Nazi officer. Jokes on him, now SpaceEgde is actually the mod.

He should be the dumb neighbor on a sitcom.

I'd actually kill myself if I looked like this


Fatrick's face when Adrienne told him that she was leaving.

u/SpaceEdge, you're a fucking faggot.

Spacefag is 400 pounds and hasn’t seen his cock since he was 10.

Unfuckable lardass.

This sub should move once a year to take power away from mods. Since they are nigger faggots.

fat puppet mouthed fuck

I bet he sounds like Roland.