tfw you call for a boycott of Colin Quinn

99  2019-05-11 by OpiesInstantReplay


We're not QAnon, child. We're Russian bots. Or maybe we're all from The-Donald.

I love how these people always come up with a group to blame for pushback online rather than just acknowledging the responses could just be people who think they're a massive cunt.

When we go after people like Pat, we're incels and when we go after conservatives like Tony Cumya, we're libtard snowflakes.

I'm amazing how they think everyone has to align themselves with someone or some group.

I don't even really know what 'QAnon' is FFS. It could be a website or a twitter account for all I know. I just hate when people attack comics unjustly and call them stupid words like 'bigoted' and 'racist'.

QAnon. There's a new one. We haven't been called that before.

Multiple people tweeting her that “screenshot” had a nigga’s ribs hurtin’

This place has taught me that it really doesn't matter who is criticizing or mocking you anymore. Everybody just picks their enemy and says it's that.

Nazis, QAnon, SJWs, the Naked Militia...

Yup. Whoever you hate, that's who we are. We're a fucking mirror for your baggage.

People here have been called libtards, SJWs, nazis, alt righters, we cover so much ground.

Also handsome, large cocked, gainfully employed... The list goes on!

Many such cases

Totally nuuuude!!

It is quite amazing and amusing.

In fairness to this whore, there’s a good number of us who unironically believe QAnon’s pile of bullshit.

I hope she doesn't bring out the big guns and accuse us of being in our mom's basement!

Eating pizza rolls thrown in would decimate this place.

Tbf, I could really go for some pizza rolls.

I asked my mom to put them on her shopping list. Hope she comes through.

plz child

Who the fuck is qanon , you dumb twat

A theory that behind the scenes, high level military members are leaking info to the public. Conspiracy things, who's getting what political office, black ops shit, etc. All done anonymously, Hollywood blind item style.

Could have just said r/opienanthony


The theory that Qanon is actually JFK Jr. that faked his death is actually a good read.

This lady is so dumb she got everything wrong, can't even figure out Bonnie mcvos isn't related to Seth MacFarlane

Are these real people? I just have a really difficult time truly believing that people like this exist. You see these people all the time, like that dumb cunt that was outraged Louis CK was working out at her gym. This cant be how the majority of people think in real life, right?

I just see shit like this and I think that I'd gladly watch her get run over by a bus while shes making another "outrage" tweet and feel absolutely nothing.

Deff not the majority. They just so happen to be the loudest.

No need to lie dude. You would feel tremendous joy, probably have a big old smile on your kisser.

I don’t even think she believes half of what she says, but she needs needs needs the attention attention attention. Why do you think she calls her dogs “rescue dogs?” Because saying she has “dogs” doesn’t get her attention.

Insensitive twat. Killakuhn killed Qanon.

RIP lil nigga

He died for the Cumia's sins.

My god, Colin Quinn is Q. What a revelation.

Trust the plan. Nigger.

I’m not a pedophile. I may be a card carrying member of Qanon, but I’m not a pedophile. I’m not a pedophile.

I don’t get people like this. Be liberal all you want, I’ve got liberal leanings myself, it doesn’t bother me. But you don’t understand why people would resist you and hate you when you talk down to them, tell them what to do, what to think and what to support? And that disagreeing with your beliefs is unacceptable? The fact that the only reason you don’t like Colin Quinn is because of what you perceive are his right wing politics is gross. He doesn’t harass anyone, he’s not shitting on anybody, he’s nice to everyone around him, he isn’t a stuck up cunt about his views. People like this, and it seems to be more common on the left, just can’t tolerate anyone who disagrees with them. It’s not even normal, it’s strange, it’s weird, it marks them as someone to avoid because our instincts are to avoid people who are mentally unstable. That is why people like this are mocked - it’s unnatural to accept them. Most of them are dangerous and I’m not even joking. Where do you think rapists molesters and killers come from? Normal, sane people?

Nice dissertation stupid

Pretty sure this is another Joe Cumia infiltration account

No you aren't sure you absolutely cringeworthy faggot who is desperate for attention here. Nice nobody gives a shit about your comment, stupid.

I was referring to the comment you were replying to

Ok maybe

Really hope she gets banned. She tweets multiple times each hour like Anthony, and would miss the ritual.

hate myself for sayin this here .. but well done on this post..

going after Colin QuinnAnon is unacceptable


Why would anyone spend their time faking a tweet about some nobody? Seems pretty far fetched.

Die cunt

Damn this bitch doth protest too much, she must bandy that word about.

child you need to bring this all high intellectual post to the patrickstomilson sub. where the grown ups hang out.

i love how people like this pull things like that out of their ass when they don't like someone

this person made FUN OF ME and he also is a 4chan nazi klan member alex jones qanon MAGA etc, etc,

With her empty headed ideology, she would be the perfect mate for Fatrick - if she were also 15-20 years younger, that is.