Successful author/comedian

30  2019-05-10 by stealthygeek


He is an objectively bad writer.

He's also self-conscious. You can tell. He tries way too hard to come up with the 'killer' phrase or turn of speech and he bombs. Everything I've read of his is awful.

Her's what? Or does he mean "her has" and he's doing some kind of folksy accent?

I imagine he's giving a stereotypical southern accent to a mechanic, and referring to a spaceship when he said "her's."

That is what I figured but I've never heard anyone use "her's" as a contraction for "her has." It hurts my brain

He's bold. He dares making shit up that will never catch on.

I assumed he was talking about dissecting a little girl.

That's exactly what he is doing.

I used to read a lot and my wife reads tons of those god awful teen romance novels, so I have an eye for hacky writing. Patrick writes pulp nonsense. He's a Stephanie Meyer-level writer, just sci fi instead of magic person romance.

One thing I've noticed is that these types of writers love Georgian accents for some reason. And they love made up metaphors that don't make any sense. You'll see plenty of references to really obvious shit like sweet tea and stuff that they clearly made up like "Why that'd be like tryin' ta lasso a Guinea pig with a can of Spaghetti-Os!" It's literal trash. Patrick is a bad writer.

He really thought to himself “oh man, these are 3 very different things that don’t belong together! Huh-huh-huh I should be writing for Family Guy! (Takes picture with Orville shirt and posts to Instagram because he KNOWS that will land him a writing job)

I cringed

he has a list of analogies and turns of phrase and he copy pastes them without adjusting them for context and is fat

Rapes kids, too.

Wow. Bad guy.

It’s his poor attempt for a cut away Family Guy joke. Pat can’t come up with anything clever of course.

This is atrocious writing and the last book I read was Permanently Suspended.

If this had been Norton’s line I would’ve said he’d upgraded his material.

Look at this cunt, assuming the frog's hair's gender!

I'm currently writing a book and sometimes I worry that my writing won't be good. This made me feel much better.

God he stinks! Yuck! That sounds like he tried to write a Family Guy cut away joke and failed as always. This is NOT witty!