Brotherman brotherman

195  2019-05-10 by stinkypussay


Brotherman brotherman, we’re going vinyl!

He really is a ducking dolt for doing like that. He should have known it would be like blood in the water for all the artistic autists around here.

He probably was so thrilled by the idea of TMZ asking about him, that he didn't even stop to think.

I’m going to disagree with this. He’s getting more attention than he has in more than a year. Even if it’s subconscious, he knows this will bring him more attention. We care more about anonymous Twitter skank’s dogs and fat science fiction authors who can’t write for shit than we do Anthony Cumia.

Denny Falcone killin it.

Denny's racist cousin.

Man the Opester's hat is so cool

Opie will forever be gay. You people are the representation of a weak shit slime genetic population just before an allelic bottleneck event that was painfully obvious to see coming. Once you're all weeded out, those that remain can get back on track with full quality and vigor.

Jim and Ant are gayer than Opie.

so so so having sex with men makes you gay?

Dont talk about my boy Hughes like that punk

If Opie is gay then he's been smart about not providing proof, Anthony and Jim on the other hand have literally sucked dicks and are proud of it so idk man it's a tough one

This is gibberish.

Now this one has sidebar potential.

Opie’s giving Anthony some laughs.

Well, Ant does like other faggots, so it makes sense

Theres a lot of sadness in this old queen's eyes.