Jim asked a caller today "what is hard water? what does that mean?"

29  2019-05-09 by lawyerherelistenup

How does an adult not know this?


Parents took care of him until he was 31, then Florentine, and then the doorman at his high rise.

Jim is Curious George

I think he’s really just a fucking retard who has managed to coast by on his “edgy” attitude. I listened to his fucking dogshit interviews on Rogan and Joey Diaz, and Jim is, by far, a complete and utter bore who has no intelligence. This is reflected in his obsession with sex. His brain cannot stay focused on anything else long enough to learn something new, or form an opinion.

Who would of thought a high school drop-out would be such an intellectual zero?

Would of. Good job, stupid

I proudly wear my southern heritage on my sleeve sir.

"Would of" isn't a southern thing like "y'all" or fucking your sister. It's just dumb. Nice non-save, stupid.

Yes. It is.

Would of, would ya of, I've even heard and heard did yah of.

Don't tell me my business white devil.

blacken the KKTITN that's inked on your sleeve and learn from your mistake, you absolute retard

I'm not some adopted Egyptian sand pirate.

Next he'll be asking what makes sea water so salty.

But has he ever just thought about? I mean, really just thought about it?

Leave it alone.

I could have thought about it.

... But you weren't there for me that day...

what is saline water? what does that mean?

He is a fucking retard.