Dipaolo sticking it to everything wrong with the younger generation.

37  2019-05-09 by Nick_1989


both faggots

DiPaolo isn't a faggot, he just doesn't fuck anymore.

I’d also say he got lost

DiPaolo has definitely become a faggot of the highest degree.

I don't care what side of the political spectrum you're on, you get your panties in that much of a bunch over the other side, you stop being funny, and start being a gigantic preachy faggot. Just like Anthony. Just like the SJWs Dip claims to hate so much.

Tbh his album cover struck me as just straight up pathetic, and not because I was offended or anything. I get it, you wop faggot, you hate the lib cucks. Be more funny and maybe I'll give a shit.

I agree, and I didn't even watch his special, but DiPaolo was funny and likeable when he was young. Now, he's been married for years and he doesn't have sex with his wife anymore. Anyone who goes through that is bound to turn into a political faggot in time. At least he wasn't a geek when he was younger.

Am I wrong to count four fags in that picture?

How did a radio intern get a better setup than nick

Probably by watching all the richer old guys completely fuck it up by over spending and he actually knows how use the equipment on his own. So he doesnt require much if any overhead. Its actually not a bad set up all for a private one. The only things he still needs is a good radio voice, a face for TV, personality,wit, and a healthy diet. Wrestling is really the only subject he should be talking about.

Stupid guinea fuck should have used this as the actual cover instead of trying to stir up controversy with the guy now taking care of killer Kuhn’s little hurdle in heaven.