Sam brought his mother to work Cute.

37  2019-05-08 by Dennyislife


So many fiveheads, so little time.

Who wore it better?

Where everybody knows you're lame

Where every gay knows you're game

Jimmy looks normal in this photo. too bad rhea is 4'8"

When you’re visibly Jewish

Yeah, didn't know Sam was a half breed.

I want to set his beard on fire.

Jim is so gay

Breaking news everyone!

To be fair her face resembles Norton more. They both have that dark soulless conniving look in their eyes.

Silva, that just mean Faggot in Portuguese.

"I raised a talentless piece of Shit..."

Danny devito has sex with that thing. Presumably.

Who in god's name is still listening to this show.

Wow, his mum looks so tall next to Rea Perlmen

I hate the rich cool beard Sam is growing and it is only balanced by his atrocious head hair

Oh, his mom's a jew...explains a lot

James “MMA enthusiast” Norton might need to start hitting the elliptical a bit harder.

"Sexy" Bobby was jewish the whole time? Talk about disappointing.