There's not too much that pisses me off more than the nerve of Worm Norton criticizing the acting abilities of actual established actors.

27  2019-05-08 by Jim-sucks-shit

This fucking nothing can only get bit parts in things directed by friends of his. He does a 30 second scene and blinks 400 times while flailing his hands like an epileptic chimp yet he has the audacity to call other people hacks. Chubby, unfunny, untalented, loser faggot hack.

Jim stinks.


While you aren’t wrong, I don’t subscribe to the idea that you have to be good at something yourself to be able to recognize someone else being bad at it.

I mostly agree. The difference is that Jim has tried and failed for years to become an actor. When you try desperately to succeed at something and continually fail you don't really have the right to criticize people who have succeeded.

i dnno he sounds like a decent guy

Well. I am amazed that he has watched other actors acting as he really doesn’t watch anything other than old movies and the British Office (he cannot stand the American one).

‘Blinkiest Faggot’ the unauthorized biography of James ‘the worm’ Norton.