Silverman Beefers

23  2019-05-08 by jeno_aran


“Oops! That was an accident!”

Imagine being an aging woman and looking for attention like this

Chelsea Handler

This is the ole “I fucked up by not having a family and my life is so empty that the only way I can be fulfilled is by attention seeking on Instagram” move... seen it a million times.

What will she do when Instagram bans her for this?

They won't ban (((her))). She's a strong, brave, not to mention tooootally hilarious, female comic.

They’ll ban her because they don’t want it to be a porn site. If you let one bitch show her tits no-one will care about the 1000 others in bikinis with inspirational quotes.

So when is she going to post on Reddit about either how she regrets not having kids or pretends to be happy about not having kids!

They look better than in that one pic we’ve all seen

That's because of all the shit in the way.

She's hiding the droop.

Women always do this kind of shit 25 years after anyone cares

She’s still young enough to do hardcore porn

I’d try but I probably couldn’t get off to it. I’d frustratedly go into the Shemale section of Xvideos and finish there

You sure? Her barren jewterus is already menopausing.

She's awful and you know her box smells like gefilte fish.

So that’s how you spell that

I would sacrifice any one of you to have this picture be of Kelsey Cooke.

Tube socks for the droopers

Thirsty Silverman

Hell Yea! I love me some beefer posts! I'm a truck driver, so I don't understand how to look at tits using Google. I don't know what I'd do without the O&A sub.

Good bot

She made a great movie where she played an unfunny junkie whore who got fucked in the ass a lot. She would have won an Oscar but she wasn't acting.

They look a lot beefier than in that movie she showed them in

She’s out of material.

They can't be that good it took my brain a long time to spot them.