Where we at with the 'Revenge of the Cis' podcast?

0  2019-05-08 by Alfred_Hitchcuck


I think they're funny (sometimes) but everyone here shits on them. I also like them because they hate all the same people we do so


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They are ok.

ai dont like this sub is prep work for podcasts like this

they didnt come up with any of those bits, but they sure act like they did

Guy on the left whined a few weeks ago because people wanted him to talk about real issues while he just wanted to watch CGI dragons and that little down syndrome girl take her top off.

Fuck off, Mersh.

Dumbass name for a podcast. But I think they pissed Joe of somehow so I won't call them faggots...for now.

Funny fat neck beards that love Owen Wilson

I'm happy they make other you tubers cry. Because nobody cares about any of them. Giving them attention here means they made you cry or that you're one of them. Again, nobody cares

I think they picked on the OP. I hope so anyway. I ask the mods to ban any mention of their name like the autistic floor pisser

Where did you get that from? I like this podcast (mostly) Are these guys suddeny taboo to discuss here???

You their promoter or something? We don't take kindly to self promotion here, or fan boy faggotry. If this sub goes after someone, it just happens naturally like Norton's date slipping it in the backdoor.

Sub monetizers


Two tech savvy overweight glorified board ops who loosely define themselves as “cis males” giddily recite stuff they didn’t write from a message board. Great idea for a podcast.