I don't know who this bitch with the fivehead is

0  2019-05-08 by schmuckOnWheels

But at least we stopped talking about failed science fiction writer and alleged pederast Patrick S. Tomlinson for 12 hours.


This is what happens when you have too many freemasons or allow freemasonry at all. Sooner or later a swamp assed witch is gonna say some shit like this and its funny ah ha ha ha. Nick had to move to georgia buy a gun. And people who do not or would ever associate with blood people we are the bad guys? They aint gonna help you in georgia that is the gay black mason headquarters. Don lemon will be gangstalking nick in georgia. This is why there needs to be a mass exodus from the boys club some seriously hardcore pizzagate people are running it like a cartel like patrice explicitly described things like masonry and jewish nepotism are.

Fascinating observation, goo gobbler.