TIL there's an entire sub devoted to women shitting on their mother-in-laws. Women hate each other more than men hate them.

35  2019-05-08 by MrStealYourVape



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Hating women is actually feminist.

I'll sub to this one for a lil bit lil bit

Imagine a sub whose sole purpose is to gayly shit on one specific group of people

imagine that

If this is a coy, "hehe but we do the same thing :P" post, we are diverse in our hate, stupid.

Somehow this place is even more ridiculous but I'll still wait the day that i filter thru that sub based on Top of All Time for some good me-time

thatd involve a woman though..

She say no Boom Boom with soul brother !

Toooo Bukuuu

Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.

― H.L. Mencken

I just realized my mother hated her mother-in-law despite her being exactly like the innocent, frail old stereotypical grandmother you see everywhere. She was like the grandmother in Happy Gilmore.

The fuck is the mentality behind that? They hate the woman who their husband loves more?


Women get jealous of anything and everything if it takes the man's attention away from her for a second. They get jealous of inanimate objects, ffs. Some even kill their child after giving birth because the man pays too much attention to it. They even have a name for it, "postpartum depression". Fucking me me me cunts.

How can someone not hate women.

My girlfriend is jealous of the fucking cat because it likes me more

Me too. All I do is pet it and feed it, and the cat LOVES me. Meanwhile she's constantly trimming it, trying to clean his mouth and shit, pulling on his face to make him look funny. Then if I point out he doesn't like that stuff, she starts crying. It's awesome.

The best part in my case is it's not even my cat. She got her years before she met me

No Advice Wanted Tags? What the shit?


if you did that here you would be heckled until you literally deleted your account or necked it

aka I came here to ramble for the benifit of no one. Because not only am I a breathy cunt, my husband didn't side with me.

The MILs are alphas and these women just bitch about it online and don't do shit.

I usually enjoy reading the all time top posts on subs like that but that entire sub is a giant testament to the idea that women are terrible story tellers. And not a single TLDR to be seen. Hilarious.

my MIL bought me lingerie and a Match.com subscription for my birthday

That's fucking amazing

My wife should be on that sub. My mom is a narcissistic cunt. I like my "MIL"... Sure she is annoyingly obsessive compulsive about stupid shit, but it's hilarious and I make fun of her and point out to my wife when she is mirroring learned OCD behavior. I trust and hope my wife keeps me in check when I take after my cunty selfish mom.

Reading some of those posts... I can actually get behind that sub. Funny that it's a thing, but I doubt it is some dual x chromosome (or whatever it's called) type me me me CircJerk fest for needy women. Some cunt inlaw declawed their adult children's cat without warning, or took the grandkids without telling and shut off their phone. Fucked up shit.

We all should join child

Of course, women are just hateable