A real paux fas

11  2019-05-07 by BrianDisco


we heard someone else

Way to linger longer

Hack Lives Matter

funny thing is, he just read the black guy got killed, didnt do any research into why, and made an apology right away saying he is going to change it

i would flip off that dude who stole someones property as well, sorry he got shot by another thief shortly after, doesnt negate what he did

nick is a fucking cartoon character playing the heel, dude has no integrity

What is a nigger, Alex?

so he didnt even look into who the “blacks” were he was flipping off?

what a mook

He is used to indiscriminate racism.

The bigger crime is ticking a button down shirt into a pair of jeans.

When did Nick go PC?

You think he paid for those stock photos, or just stole them off the web?

Italian people don't do computer fag stuff. They get a crooked cop to find some heeb mook to do it for them.

Shorties flipping off Shorties.

Where is edgy Nick now?
