Hi Reddit! Me and my brother immigrated to the US from Tunisia 15 years ago. My brother worked hard as a cab driver to finally afford a Mustang. Here's him celebrating with some Pinot Noir :D

3  2019-05-07 by KYGGyokusai


Wrong. That’s Anthony! You fucking dummy. I love wasting text on you idiots)”, It’s highly entertaining

What the fuck are you babbling about? God you’re such an undignified boomer slob.

And you’re a slacker Gen-X shoe-gazing POS. The originators of undignified. That’s why you’re all so cranky. You’ve built nothing for yourselves ... Blow me junior.

You’re off by a generation there, dickless. Kinda ironic how you spend half your time criticizing others for being work-shy and the other half bragging that you’re able to live off your baby brother’s efforts. Maybe you’re projecting?

“Blow me junior” nice choice of words considering you’ve avoided acknowledging Ant’s close personal affiliation with a convicted child rapist. My guess is that you went to a few of Kurt Love’s pool parties and don’t want to risk incriminating yourself 🙈🙉🙊 you’re icky, Joe.

Haven't built anything yourself Be boomer

You have brain damage, sir.

The city of Queens has a population of roughly two million people. That's a shitload of people.

Everyone knows that’s Anthony Cumia

Nobody outside this sub who knows AntH wants to associate with him anymore because he's a virulent racist who lures pre-teen girls to the Compound to do horrible things to their bodies and psyches.

Sounds like you live vicariously through the fantasy world you’ve created for your hero. You’re all mentally defective. You talk bullshit about people you’ve never met, and never will, who’ve only been accused of the accusations you spew above BY the people here. You even take to covering your anonymous asses by overusing the preface “allegedly” with your nonsensical accusations born of envy and jealousy.

L. O. S. E. R. S.

Jeffrey Hollander, a.k.a. "Kurt Love," a registered Level 2 sex offender, had a pretty close relationship with your brother, close enough that he was a semi-regular presence at the Compound and brought young girls to pool parties there on several occasions. This is not fantasy, this is fact. How do you respond to your brother's friendship with a known registered pedophile who was convicted of forcibly sodomizing a 12-year old girl? I'll bet he fit right in with the Cumias.

Forcibly sodomizing? Fawkin broootal.

"Forcibly sodomizing" stop turning me on with your sensual speak.

u/OpieCakeStomp comment?

He won't, he doesn't have the balls. If you ever want Joe to disappear faster than his father when the rent was due, ask him what his thoughts are on the friendship between his brother and convicted sexual predator and child molester Jeffrey Hollander, a.k.a. "Kurt love."

Joe already answered that question. He "personally escorted" Mr. Hollander out of the compound and told him never to return. The young girls could stay, though.


Joe you dishonest piece no shit you just ignore anything you can't just wave away, don't you you gay molesting fuck?

How is compound media successful? Remember that time they fucked up the sites programing and revealed the watch count of their videos? Not one had close to 1000 views

"You" shouldn't be capitalized, genius.

Are you doing the bit where you take everything completely literally?

is it also entertaining to barely spew out a load into carol’s dried-up tomb of a pussy? shut the fuck up joe. you’re dumb as shit, old as shit AND gay as shit. accept it already

Newsflash: she’s a squirter stupid. Is shit really old, gay and dumb? These are the comments that keep this sub going. You’re all morons calling people out for being just like yourselves, even when they’re not. It’s an illness. You’re all mentally defective. Not a bit. You’re really mental defectives. Everyone off the sub that’s aware of the sub agrees. This place is a booby hatch. It warehouses abnormal minds.

the only thing i’d wanna see squirt out of her is blood during ebola death throes. yuck. stop being salty joe you know you’re a glutton for the abuse deep down inside

also i didn’t appreciate the hilarity of you trying to brag about your 65 year old girlfriend being a “squirter.” something tells me she’s more of a dribbler/oozer at that age. lucky guy, joe. you really did get the girl

Allahu Akbar!

meekly trying to pose with his frail frame. probably thinking to himself “Now THIS is the life!” looks like an adult slipped past the make-a-wish screening process

Why is he holding up his semen sample?

Is he autistic?