One of the funniest Opies Eye videos ever. Jim Norton on the verge of tears

18  2019-05-06 by StutterinPrickYou


Norton is repulsive throughout that entire video.

I can’t watch it knowing that Oz forgot the book. Too painful to watch

"Forgot" you say?

Jim lost all that weight doing stairs, like a middle-aged housewife. His obsession with Ozzy is despicable yet, in this old clip (thanks Brothaman), somehow tolerable on the surface.

I hope Ozzy dies.

One of the worst gift ideas ever. Why not get him a Barnes & Noble gift card while you’re at it, stupid.

More evidence Opie was the funniest member of the crew.

I ain't watching all that shit. Give me a TL;DR.

Jim got ozzy some random beatles books for a birthday present. Ozzy leaves them on the console and goes home. Opie laughs while jim tries not to cry.

Jim thought he was going to get to keep Ozzy's cup. The only thing better than this was when Ozzy sent someone in to get his coffee mug a little later and they left the books too.

Are you serious? I have to hear this haha

Yeah it happened. It pretty funny