Fatrick and his bearded goblin are assholes who abuse the law. I had a comment wrongfully DMCA'd.

19  2019-05-06 by StarbuckAndCasey

I had a comment removed based on one of their DMCA reports.

Here's the thing; I had linked to a voat post showing part of the bearded baby rhino's face (not even her whole face).

The link itself was to an offisite post. Meaning, the image itself wasn't even on reddit's servers.

Anyone who is starting to feel soft for these two hacks is a faggot. Patrick S. Tomlinson and his ugly and fat bearded goblin abuse the law and deserve everything they get.


Liz has nothing better do to.

Certainly not shaving, vacuuming her filthy floors, exercising, showering or writing anything that anybody wants to read.

Buying and torturing small animals. She can fit 6 gerbils up her pussy now. She has to alternate pet stores because of the quantity she's been going through

Off-site posts doesn't protect you. Where the server the pics are hosted is irrelivent to the admins, if you're crosspost or link here, we're still posting DMCA protected content as far as they're concerned. We're not going to skate on a technicality, reddit admins are annoyed that they have to keep processing claims, so don't bother trying to sneak around the rules, they're just going to throw it in the "takedown" folder and put the onus on us to contest it.

I wasn't even trying to sneak around any rules. Such BS.

Well, they might have seen it that way. That's where we are now, we no longer get the benefit of the doubt after six dozen takedowns or where ever we're at now. Anything even a little iffy I suspect they'll just remove. They're not thrilled with us right now.

BTW, Liz, you're an even bigger failure than Fatrick. Let that sink in.

Fat bearded nothing who looks like she smells like mildew and cat shit.

Masturbating furiously with a Patrick S. Tomlinson Bobblehead doll she had made special.

Oh and Liz; you’re a fucking disgusting monster who no one could ever love and every time you leave a room everyone laughs hysterically at how fucking awful you are.

It's just funny that a gigantic fat lady would refer to herself as little. Or that she called herself pretty in a photo she forgot to shave in.