
93  2019-05-05 by IveBeenCalledSxyB4


Bobby Kerry

Niggas ribs!

Niggras rebs


I bloke tai chi, dude!

Look at that scribble language... gooks truly might as well be an alien race.

Don't you have a shitty subreddit to moderate, Spacedge Jr?

I'd like to moderate a sub where the only post is you being captured by ISIS.

I like that in your shitty comeback you're still a reddit moderator, fucking loser

I'm not a "reddit moderator", I made a sub for a game because nobody else did. I don't act like a reddit faggot there or anywhere.

Your username is the name of your sub followed by "mod". Shut the fuck up with your mental gymnastics, you subreddit-moderating faggot

You also made and mod a subreddit for flaming r/conspiracy users you think are paranoid schizos. It’s truly one of the gayest and saddest things.

Haha now that is a funny joke. Either way I don't act like a reddit faggot moderator.

Have you heard the Russian alphabet? It doesn't even have a funky beat like ours.


The best part is that they have a single letter to say "gay" = "Г"

No that's my first time hearing it, Sergei.


This one was pretty damn creative, good job.

yeah know what duuuude, you have your mandarin, your chicken chow mein, ya got yer no environmental regulations. BOOM! you're a asian superpower