So then I called him a child! Anyways it's been great seeing you Mom and Dad

219  2019-05-05 by MySexJunkSmells


The socks are a nice touch

I like how he actually took the time to draw light switches on the wall

Why isn't him rocking ewok socks

We have some quality artwork on the sub this morning

Funny how each of his moves in dealing with this place make things worse for him. Now, by getting people to stop using his photos, he made them create vile stuff like this about him.

Not sure what you mean by "create vile stuff." The right side is a Milwauke crime scene photo and the left is Fatricks latest Instagram pic. The artist just combined them in an origional piece of art.

How much prison time would I be facing if I were to Photoshop his mongoloid baby face onto a morbidly obese man being made anally loved to by a horse?

29 years hard labor

26 with good behavior

I mean, these guys are still walking free

They really shouldn’t, though

Trying to get more subscibers to your weird fringe jap fetish subreddit?

Nice try. I see you.

He isn't a particularly smart person.

Copystriked, child

I like that you took some creative liberties and gave him a penis. It's common knowledge that Pat has penile/testicular agenesis also known as Tomlinsonism and was born without genitals.

yeah Fatrick come claim this picture double chinned wide-body

Why is Patrick always naked? The man has serious fucking issues.

He’s like Gacy in a way. Fat, stupid, lives in smelly house. Purports to be part of the Chicago comedy scene.

Divorced his first wife who left with his kid, desperately wanted his father’s approval and acceptance, self employed, sexual deviant.

Has 30 dead children piled up in a crawlspace (allegedly)

Sam Roberts is seen here dishing on why Pat likes to be in the nude...

I love the rainbow colored sign that says, "I hate our gay son". Perfect!

I want that on a t-shirt.

Dick is waaaayyy too big

Well lube it up first stupid

I mean this is day one stuff

It's thick

“Milwaukee Reporter: Fattest Baby Born”

This is what you get Patrick

This is what you get when you spam DMCA requests



Thoughts on this work of art, repugnant obese child?

What's dad doing with other hand/belt??

We really need to start including noodle legs into some of this.

Where did you get this family picture

Have him wearing shoes in the next drawing so Michael Richards can call him a nigger.

American Gothic 2019

those fuckin socks

I love the "Friends, Family, Love" bullshit font wall art that says "I Hate My Gay Son". Made me laugh.

I want "I hate my gay son" on a t-shirt, a baseball cap and a tattoo

Modern Norman Rockwell tbh.