Louis CP

100  2019-05-05 by T-Earl-Grey-Hot



Cannot be unseen...like that faggot's shitty set.

I saw Posehn play at a bar a couple years ago and he basically did his 2012 special.

Yep I saw him in like 2009 without having seen much of his stuff. Enjoyed the set so I went back and watched some old stuff and realized he was doing the same material from like ten years earlier.

Almost have to admire the audacity of getting paid for being this lazy.

some comics are like that, its like they are living in another era, gilbert still does the same act he did in the 90's, Paul Mooney is another one who still does the same jokes he did in his first album/tour

Here is a clip of him getting shot. Hope it helps.


Dude I'm into rad metal bands like Metallica and Slayer maaaaaaan. This guy is the polar opposite of niggers with their rap music except white guys with metal maaaaan. Equally fucking faggoty. Just enjoy the music you like and shut the fuck up about it without wearing it on your sleeve. People that think the music they listen to earns them cool or tough guy points should be put to death.

Try harder faggot

Listen to more nigger rap, faggot.

Brian Posehn, we all saw you take your shirt off on the Sarah Silverman Show... I'm surprised you can be so out of shape considering how often the townspeople must chase you around with torches.

Ghoul down, courtesy of Greg Giraldo.

I bet Sam would sniff his asshole just because he was in a Rob zombie movie.

✡ J ✡ E ✡ W ✡ I ✡ S ✡ H ✡

Jewy C.K.

Why does the sub hate Brian now?

I don’t even know who this guy is, but he better damn well find Norm MacDonald fucking funny.

He was great on Mr. Show but so was David Cross and look at him now.