standupshots is always good if you're looking for up and coming comedians like this

27  2019-05-04 by PiesByGertrude


I’m glad that when I die and go to heaven there won’t be any faggots there.

there will be after you go there

Hell just got a little bit cooler

Very intolerant.

Seriously this, it's what they call "classist".

Heavily implying that the kids of Taco Bell managers are somehow inferior to the kids of doctors and lawyers.

He owns the taco bell- they aren't exactly cheap and not many just own one (there's not a lot of money in just owning one).

Franchising fast food restaurants is what all the smart athletes do in retirement. Very little risk, especially when compared to sitdown restaurants that go out of business all the time. The stability of fat Americans wanting their fried chicken, crunchwrap supremes, and chocolate milkshakes can be extremely profitable if you've got the cash to burn.

I don't think you got this retarded fruit's joke, and what does that make you?

Yeah, uncomfortable poops are way worse than AIDS. Great premise.

What elitist trash do you have to be to shit on someone for what their dad does?

it's okay tho he's fagphobic

That's not what he's doing. The joke is that she can't eat all the delicious free food her father can provide as a perk of the job due to her digestive problems.


Well, I still believe women can be funny. This is just a one-case scenario.

Dear Fagmouth - Bash

When people talk about 'gay face', this is what they are referring to

"My coworker said that God hates gays" No, she didn't. Nobody would say that in a workplace, even if they thought it, especially to a guy who looks like he gargles cum for sustenance. You're a lying faggot and a fraud and your slam-dunk strawman stinks on ice.

the bible says God hates gays.

Yeah and He does. I'm saying nobody's coworker would say that to them, even if they felt that way.

Right I know I just wanted to make that clear in case anyone was still confused.

Hate the sin not the sinner, child.

I hate when my stand up comedy isn't 100% truthful and accurate.

Of course there's exaggeration and stretching the truth in stand-up. What makes this annoying, besides not being funny, is him trying to act like he "owned" someone who was just a one-dimensional figment of his imagination. It's one of those "So then I said..." stories that you know the person telling it made it up and didn't bother making it a good slam.

I think the concept is funny.

Having unlimited access to Taco Bell while having a crippling bowel disease is hilarious.

Michael Richards did nothing wrong.

Can everything just stop being gay for 5 minutes? I'm exhausted.

Those dicks won't suck themselves, son.

a perfect comic for globo gayplex

gay virtue signaling


Fred Phelps did nothing wrong.

Andy Dick is up and coming?