We all can hope.

2  2019-05-04 by joecumialikestofelch


Nice math, stupid.

Yeah, there would have to be a whole lotta converting for that the be possible, let alone “news”.

China will be calling the shots in 20 years anyway. On the up side, their Muslim policy has got some redeeming features.

The eternal boomer. I hope this is the first thing Layla sees when she inevitably finds his online presence.

fear mongoloid grass eater

How old is Joe now? And with his extra 50lbs of weight he will most likely be dead in 5 years or less. At a certain age you either lose weight or die, it's a fact of life.

He’s about 60 years young.

I forgot to mention the taller you are the shorter your life expectancy. At 6'1" he's gonna die tomorrow.

So what exactly are they going to do? Is Joes boomer friend advocating genocide?

First of all: What the fuck does the ACLU have to do with statistics relating to demographics you fucking retard? They're easily accessible. Fucking idiot.

Secondly: Gee thanks you old faggot you fucked up the country and let in all the slime the world has to offer but you'll be dead when the bill has to be paid.

Nice job 'Conservative' Joe.