The Hardest Question O&A Has Had to Answer: Are there any legitimately funny black women in comedy?

9  2019-05-04 by oanda333




That was easy to answer though.

Moms Mabley was supposedly one of the dirtiest female comics ever. And that was in the 50-60's chitlin circuit. With Red Foxx and that bunch.

I liked Wanda Sykes back in the 90's. Before she dyked out and got overly political.

Thats only because there isnt enough forced diversity in comedy clubs

every show should have an equal number of women/men and people of color

these people have been silenced for too long and statements like yours prove it

Diversity for diversity's sake! Now that's a movement I can get behind!

Diversity is our strength!

I've listened to Moms on YouTube, a lot of those jokes hold up actually.

Sykes got political.

Gina Yashir can be funny and besides that has called out Russell Peters for joke thievery many times and no one seems to gives a shit.

Tiffany Hadish is already kinda been forgotten. I heard her years ago and she made me laugh. She blew up last year, was on everything and now shes pretty much unheard of.

Leslie Jones is actually hilarious but not in the way she wants to be. She's a writer who can't read, and that's just the first thing.

No no no you misunderstood. OP was asking about funny black women, not gorillas.

She really could eat your whole head in one bite.

Jamie, could you pull that up?

Ms Pat

She killed it on J&S, when they were up at Just For Laughs. Predictably they haven't invited her back since, but Roger Stone is on, via phoner, every fucking week.

Mamie from gone with the wind used to make mister and his family laugh all day long while working in the big house

Comedy? Ain't nobody got time for dat!

Francine’s news reads

Tracey Morgan when he put on a dress and played an old woman on 30 Rock. Oh wait, no, that was Honkey Grandma. So no.

yamaneika has made me laugh before

The bitch that blatantly admits to showering once a week and not brushing her teeth?

not sure but that is comedy gold if so

Her and Stanhope got into a fight on the bonfire too, all she tried doing was yelling over him and she walked out

damn i almost forgot about that. tbh i haven’t even heard of her since that incident

Aisha Tyler

Anthony cumia was pretty funny for a strech

I mean I have laughed at Wanda Sykes before. She did pretty good on Curb you Enthusiasm .