
49  2019-05-03 by T-Earl-Grey-Hot


Atrocious muhlatter faggot


Supposedly he’s an actual fag and hired Rosario Dawson to be his beard.

I wouldn't put my dick anywhere near those chompers.

"... I think he's a secret fayg." -Jackie Jr.

He would have been the president instead of Obama if he would’ve just married a beard and had a kid. They went with the family man. I’m not even joking, he was being considered as the 2008 Democratic candidate. You know since “they’re all the same, just get a black man to be our candidate.”

He's so strange looking tho

Obama isn’t? Look at his workout video, it isn’t human.

I remember seeing "rave reviews" about some documentary revolving around his mayoral campaign. Any time I see pressfaggots praising something to that degree, it's guaranteed to be propaganda.

Yea, but he was running against Newark’s version of Clay Davis, so anyone would look good in that context.

Every documentary is propaganda now. It's either some left wing fag talking about how foreign savages are actually amazing and we should import more, or some right wing retard talking about how democrats are actually klansmen.

Obama's beard didn't convince me. You can spot a black Mo from a mile away.

Obama's beard didn't convince me. You can spot a black Mo from a mile away.

Seriously. Had lunch with one today, nearly fell out of my chair when he mentioned he had kids. Felt like saying "bitch, you the gayest man I've met in months, how did you manage to have kids?"


Brazilian former UFC fighter and known steroid cheat, Wanderlei Silva.

This nigga gay for real

As the murderous Troy Quan once said: "You suck penises, bro".

I thought he had a lazy eye?

Are Democrats demons?

Booker and Harris two faggots and the later has the bigger cock.

Down syndrome Richard Jefferson