Who we supporting in the 2020 election gang?

0  2019-05-03 by crat33


Daniel Kurlan

Sam once wrote in "Deez Nuts". He hosts a "comedy show".

It's so funny because Trump is going to win again. All he has to do is keep telling people how crazy the Democrats are and he's got it.

Andrew Yang, $1000 a month guaranteed income to spend on twisted tea, pall malls and streetwalkers.

We are the Yang Gang!

Whoever promises to sink Long Island, fucking hate it here

your moms asshole and mouth

Oh joy I have some time to prep for some witty 20/20 vision jokes.


I'm supporting AOC because maybe she'll dance around a little

war hero joe

I like that Mike Gravel guy. It’s time to put a batty 90 year old in the White House.

Depends who the Dem is. If it’s someone who insists we all start calling trannies by their preferred pronoun, or someone like Gillibrand who doesn’t understand that some rape allegations are false and says things like “the future is female,” then Trump.

If it’s Joe, and Trump does something egregious between now and then that I can’t look the other way on, then Joe. If it’s Joe and Trump just keeps trumping and I don’t start to hate him, I’ll probably do what I always do and vote Libertarian.

Listen. We need to tax the 1% of the 1%. And the 12% under the 1% makes too much money when compared to the remaining 87%. This is why we need a 95% tax rate for the 1% and the 1% of the 12%.

Also, anyone in the black community will be given 15% of the 100% income for reparations. This is only FAIR to the black community as they only represent 1% of the 1% of the 1% in this Country.


Not sure if /sarcasm or /stupid