Does anyone know of a towering lummox that could replace him. Maybe 6’1 or somewhere around that height.

24  2019-05-02 by joecumialikestofelch



Who the fuck cares.

Hope it was painful

He seemed like an okay guy. Wish it was Ant or Joe instead.

Dat’s vulgah!

I’m at -4

What a bunch of dick riding Star Wars nerds faggots we have in this sub

Certainly all the faggot boomer truck drivers


Norton's ex would be the right height

I know one guy. Unfortunately he doesn’t work.

Some dickhead under a mask died

nigga looks like harry shearer with long hair

I don't get the reference, but if you think im googling it you have another thing coming

This is Spinal Tap, the Simpsons. Actor/voice actor.

The towering jismferno