hey faggot mods

0  2019-05-02 by ichise8

why do i have to wait 10 minutes between posts, faggot mods? you trying to silence my message, faggot mods?


Because fuck you, that's why.

u/okayseriouslybro answer me, fat body

Ask u/spaceegde

hey u/spaceegde answer me, fat body

Careful bro, he might show up here with 15 different alt accounts and down vote you into oblivion. I know how much you care about your reddit karma so I wouldn't want to see that happen to you.

Also, Opie is an active pedophile

Just go to /r/aww, click on new and make a few generic heckin' good pupper posts and you'll probably get enough karma to burn through for like a week or two.

Because your Karma is so low that reddit puts a pause on your posting ability. It's nothing to no with the sub or the mods.

thats a bunch of baloney. when the sub first started i was posting multiple times, spreading my message. i didnt get hit with a "pause". it started randomly one day

i dont like being lied to, fatso. also, opie is an active pedophile

”Spreading my message

Who’re you, Muhammad?

You've got quite the mouth on you, ichise

Yeah it’s just faggot karma Reddit shit just post a few fuck nana posts too boost those numbassss

With Karma like that you're gonna get reincarnated as a worm in the next life .

Opie Korean Bot Army

U/ichise8 is the sub’s art historian. Fine work, heck of an account to follow, message checks out.