Human Garbage

130  2019-05-02 by ScottfromSanQuentin


The rare North American Rotund Two-headed Jackass

The rare maximus fattius from the family hippopotamidae

So many talented people in this sub.

None of which are showcased in this work.

A good name for this piece is "Message2Admins".


crackle crackle

It's like that movie The Thing with Two Heads, except fatter and more racist

not to sound like a huge flaming homo but you're an impressively talented artist, brothaman

Good use of my time in meetings. Until someone looks over and asks why the fuck would I want to sketch degenerates like Fatrick and spaceshit.

seriously, you should get on Fiver & make some cash off your talent. I'd definitely commission a sketch of my gf & her dog from you

He draws beastiality?

he damn well better!


They'd have to take a freight elevator if they were ever in the same building.

2 peas in a porta potty

Is one of them Nagel?