Scientists are dumb faggots.

6  2019-05-02 by MrStealYourVape

Has anyone actually read peer reviewed journal articles on any subject? All their conclusions are so fucking shit. They all say some variant of, "of course, this experiment had too many changing variables and therefore nothing can be solidly concluded". So what's the point, faggot? You wasted all that time, money and energy on a useless experiment that proved nothing?

Bunch of dumb fucking nerds. Plus I literally have a stupid cunt of a woman on facebook who is always sharing articles (not journal articles, just news articles) on how trans people are legit, with the caption, "Wow!!! As a biology student this is great to know!" Dumb cunt. Women in science are retarded.

u/spaceedge is a faggot.


Science is whatever the Jews in Hollywood say it is.

All my upboats, child.

for as much as i hate and scream at and hit women, guys who spend their lives around no women or ugly women exclusively are not to be trusted

why's that?

Conversely, I never trust guys who are players, always fucking women. They're the hoes before bros type no matter how much they deny it and claim they hate women.

women exist for the sole purpose of teaching men to compromise and prioritize so that when we deal with other men who are stupider and/or weaker than us we dont just immediately kill them

nerds alone in a room with no reason to compromise invent nuclear weapons

I researched soy and how gay it is. I read at least three scientifically backed research papers. All it was is, "soy turns men into fags and turns women into crazy women... but we can't say that, let's just say that it is only observable in larger groups."

tldr; eat medium rare steak and potatoes and die at 58 after impregnating as many women as possible, because being a grandfather and wearing a cotton vest is gayer than being actually gay

I remember reading somewhere it was unusually high in heavy metals, leading to the gradual poisoning and premature death of soy consumers. Either way, it's a conspiracy I fully support and believe.

Agreed, I can’t imagine going out all shriveled up and shitting myself

Hopefully I’m done at 52 like my old man

Yeah dude I have read hundreds of peer reviewed articles during my time in college. Had a paper that had over 100 sources that I wrote. Every fucking one of them ends just like you described. Science and "studies" are for complete faggots. Worse is when they redo the same study years later and find way different results. What's the fucking point?

I was thinking about this yesterday: for all the smarmy pats on the back these people give each other for "rigorous scientific questioning" and empirical data, they can rarely pinpoint with great certainty, say, the cause of a sports injury.