Welcome back, fat Jim.

99  2019-05-02 by joecumialikestofelch


Great, now he is fat and unfunny.

There it is, todays the day. i want a report on the funny from today

Jim spilled a little mustard on the floor. The intern clean it up. They’ve spent 10 minutes on it.

thats whats known as a driveway moment. riveting radio.

Did Sam give the intern a silly name? Something clever like "Mustard Cleaner." That could have given them another 20 minutes of radio gold.

No idea. I listened for maybe 15 min on my way to work and it covered spilled mustard and Jim’s farts.

He did say he was giving up and starting to eat bread again

The worm better crawl over to a meeting. He might relapse. First bread, after that comes booze, and then he's a full blown junkie

Good friend /u/SpaceEdge , comment?

Unless you own a vape shop, he's not too interested.


Looks like that guy from the human centipede

frighteningly accurate observation

I would say fat old Jim may inspire a second wind in his comedy.....but I doubt it. I see makeup being painted over cracked skin in his future.

His comedy never had a first wind... he was occasionally funny when riffing with ant but thats it.

It would only be funny if he told his cohost to drunk drive into a puddle of AIDS!

Also hilarious to comb your hair with a shotgun.

Toe trigger attachment scumbag!

And it has long been known that bread contains residual alcohol, up to 1.9% of it.

Someone really motherfucked him.

I hope this is the push he needed to spiral out of control ending up with a suicide by cop after a drunken rampage of prank calls and lying on the floor crying.

Funny? I thought they weren’t doing a comedy show.

My name is Anthony and I’ll be your Nigger Bot today.

It has to be the right kind of Thirteen!

A different bot says you're not a bot. I suggest you afflict it with a virus

god boot.

Im Tony and Im proud to be your nigger bot.

I’d like to have a word or rape with the bot in question.

“Man, she's twelve and a half years old. You never had no pussy like that. You can do anything you want with her. You can cum on her, fuck her in the mouth, fuck her in the ass, cum on her face, man. She get your cock so hard she'll make it explode. But no rough stuff fat sci-fi writer, all right?”

Too far, stupid

Hi I’m nigger bot and that was a quote from the movie taxi driver starring my good friend Bobby Stupid faggot.

“Hey! I’m still hilarious..”

ready to bring you the funny

Fucking die.

So fucking bad. The amount of work that went into that promotional line tells you all you need to know

Reading that line on their post fucking ruined my morning

He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger!

Good bot

Thank you, SpeckofCoppah, for voting on MichaelRichardsBot.

This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. You can view results here.

Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!

Good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99998% sure that SpeckofCoppah is not a bot.

I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | /r/spambotdetector | Optout | Original Github

bad bot

Bad bot

Good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99998% sure that SpeckofCoppah is not a bot.

I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | /r/spambotdetector | Optout | Original Github

Fuck off, nigger bot


good bot

Good bot.

good bot

Good bot

Good bot

good bot

u/nwordcountbot u/MichaelRichardsBot

Good bot

Good bot

Good bot

good bot

Good bot

Good bot.

Good bot

Looks like a Dana Carvey character. Except, as impossible as it sounds post-SNL, less funny.

He’s out of control now. He ruined a high level meeting yesterday because a 50 year old man cannot stop giggling at a very dumb inside joke when big wigs are meeting with the show.


Jim is 5’4, he could gain 5 pounds and look obese. Being a short man must be terrible.


Who is this show supposed to be for?

People who need ‘the funny’ brought, child.

He must be eating too much salt.

I watched a random recent clip and noticed that Jim looked fat and had the double chin going again. He must've subtly sexually harassed his way through his last personal trainer.

Jim is a sad old fatty even if he was able to suppress it temporarily.

That last trainer he posted a pic with was a fucking joke. Her workouts were nothing but unorthodox girly workout bullshit. Looking at her instagram and fapping my cock to them filled me with even more contempt for women than I already had.

But it took him 13 years to get definition in his forearms

What's the name of that medicine thing. 'AIDS Cocktail'. He's drinking his in chocolate smoothies then. Well good for him, he needs to bulk up before the fatal last phases of AIDS.

It's called PReP

I still can't believe he admitted to that. You literally only need PReP if you're taking loads in the ass.

well, he is.

Good. He deserves it

He looks like Bob Kelly’s grandmother.

Nobody beats them in the funny department!

Lady Norton

Darth Sidious lookin ass nigga

it's so cute when old men accidentally wear women's glasses

And he's only 50. God damn, those years months of alcoholism have really taken a toll on him...

Hopefully he held on to the XL sizes of all his shitty zip-up hoodies and Walmart heavy metal T-shirts.

Nigga look like Mum Ra.

Larry Bud Norton.

Jim is really turning into the real life uncle paul

Time to scale back on the frozen yogurt and double his edging to nordic homo-porno reps.

Oooh, maybe he'll be funny again.