Patrick's new book, 'Sexy Time in Space' found the author doing plenty of research ;)

5  2019-05-02 by PsychopathyRed

He pinned Buzz Aldrin's legs over his head, ate his ass and proceeded to rape him. "Take this you alt-right incel" he exclaimed as he ejaculated and shat on the floor at the same time.

To be continued.


"admit you didn't go to the moon!" I exclaimed as I punched his cock into my mouth

Or maybe Pat holds his own ass open and tells Buzz that he faked the moon landing, and Buzz instinctively throws a punch and fists Patrick's ass

thats gross.

"Now roll in your shit!" Buzz demanded. "That's what pigs do, Fatso. And you are a fat fuckin piggy!" Patrick was more than happy to oblige.

To be continued

whoa Buzz turned the tables on him