Where we at with the Glass movie?

0  2019-05-02 by OpiesInstantReplay

I thought the unexpected trilogy was pretty good. It irks me that critics panned the final installment citing for ‘a finale it was underwhelming.’ Niggas, you didn’t even realize it was a fucking trilogy until the final 30 seconds of Split. But fucking Endgame is 93% on rotten tomatoes and they suck the Avenger’s sack because obvious good defeats obvious evil. Sccccumbags. Anyways, good watch. Nothing tops James McAvoy, though.


I thought it was great.

SPOILER. I heard he did it as shits and giggles knowing that most everyone hated him and rightfully so for his last few movies. Then when Split became a hit he was like ok lets do it. I liked glass. It spent the majority of the movie having us question if these are super humans or did they make it up. The swerve as kind of easy to tell after how cold the female psychologist was.

Believe it or not but you can basically watch the whole movie through 10 clips on YouTube.

Bruce Willis is a faggot