Strauss–Howe generational theory: This sub is grooming the next political assassin

14  2019-05-01 by SoulBrothamanNumber1

He fits all the criteria.

A laughably inaccurate & cartoonish world-view and mis-characterization of who he pictures as an evil nonredeemable enemy

Followed by complete delusions of grandeur as well as competence. An embodiment of the Dunning-Krueger effect, completely unaware of his incompetence (whether verbal, phsyical, or intelligence) all the while convinced he's above-average / excelling in these attributes.

His political derangement along with his over-inflated sense of competence could push him into an attempt at becoming a historic figure for millenniums by "socially just" political violence.

Though being the dolt that he is, this will most likely lead to the rise of his boogeyman opponents by drawing rational centrists away from the violent and deranged extremists.

Don't do it Patrick.


Let's not be hasty. We could get much better mentions in the news than People Magazine...

The crux of his manifesto centers on the need to silence the lying majority in order to bring peace to all who seek justice and civility.

But after investigation by Channel 4 we've found most of his social media hatred comes from a "subreddit" called OpieAndAnthony which had been a non-existing webpage for 3 years now, which used to be dedicated to a shock jock radio show that had been cancelled over 18 years ago.

Mr. Tomlinson appears to have had been having extreme schizophrenic delusions that drove him to his mad gun-spree, killing 3 women wearing red-hats during a Milwaukee Brewers game against the St. Louis Cardinals.

The Brewers and Cardinals each expressed their grief for the fallen mothers and have started a fund-raiser for each family, and promoted petitions to have stricter gun control, specifically citing the denial of gun ownership to fat delusional faggots.

Nigga, most of us never leave the house. The only gun related incident will be self inflicted.

Im talking about Patrick. He's very mobile (ran his first 5k last week)

The Fourth (Fat) Turning.

He'll set a record by failing to kill anyone or himself