This faggot actually has a special coming out on Showtime

19  2019-05-01 by Petworth_dude


It's hilarious how all these pretentious morons will go on and on about their "art" and how hard they work and how it takes decades to get good at stand up when this brain damaged retard can just do it for a few months and be as good as the rest of them.

As a civilian you wouldn't understand.

I sit around a table with all my friends just like the cellar comics. Got a new watch a few days ago and last night they fucking muuuuurdered me. It's not for the sensitive types.

Nice Timex, stupid.

Yeah that's one of my pet peeves (I'm gay for saying that). Joe Rogan says that shit all the time too. "It takes years and years just to get a good hour".

DOLLA DOLLA BILLS YA'LLL! yeah, that took years of crafting

It's even better when they "have no fuckin clue" how someone like Louie or Dave can come up with a new hour every year.

It's called an actual work ethic and improving on yourself you fucking dropouts ~~~~

HBO and Showtime are bottom of the barrel when it comes to specials. It’s not the 80’s anymore. Netflix, Comedy Central (in terms of viewers and their streaming platform) are the higher end tiers.

Many netflix and comedy central specials suck too

They do have some good TED style talks though. One that comes to mind was an Australian Woman chronicling a rape that she had to endure. Someone had the insensitivity to joke that it was a stand up routine and I was appalled and hurt for this poor woman.

oi wois roiped boi a noiger

"my high brain is like BRO"

fucking die in a fire.

90% of the reason he got that special is because he's a good looking fag

Not to mention he has a built-in fan base consisting of retards who are not actually comedy fans that will watch regardless.

Apatow got shit on by everyone (rightfully so), and yet this foggot gets a pass for the same thing? He owes Rogan his life.

Hahaha he said Hogan has been eating an unhealthy amount of nacho cheese for the last 20 years. Great punchline

And not one joke written by him

Callen's giving him all his b material, under the threat of noogies.


Another LA faggot. They run in packs.

While there is an overabundance of unfunny LA "comedians," Callen is actually funny.

Where’s the evidence


Listen to any Ten Minute Podcast episode involving Callen.. dude is miles funnier than anything to come out of the O&A universe the past 10 years

I loathe this racially elusive faggot, not least because he's sub-Norton level 'funny'. Die soon, Brandon.

Nacho cheese! HAHA HO-LY SHIT!

Nice Karen from Will & Grace hair, stupid

Worse fighter and comedian than Jake LaMotta.

I wish I had showtime just so I could cancel it.

This was the last straw for Brody Stevens... Brendan Schaub killed Brody Stevens

And the next day on the podcast, Shloob called him "Cody" Stevens. CTE is a beast, my mans.

And Adam Carolla can't get his special aired anywhere on TV

It’s called “you’d be surprised”. It’s a reference to that time joe completely cucked Brendan

I ain't watching all that shit.