If this sub does get shut down; might I suggest the sub WeekendGunnit as an alternative?

0  2019-04-30 by TangerineReam


may i suggest you go back to chapotraphouse and can hate on Opie there

This sub without pictures is shut down as far as I’m concerned

So you have to upload them to Imgur first and then here, it's not the end of the world. Plenty of other subs do it that way.

I don’t know what imgur is. Or how it works.

You upload the pic to it. It spits out a URL. You copy and paste that here. It's one extra step, but you get used to it quickly. I used to post on a few other subs that had image posting disabled, so it personally doesn't bother me, but the people here will get used to it quickly enough. I'm also pretty sure Egde also said it would be a temporary thing.

I still don’t know what it is tho. An app? A website?

Both. I just use imgur.com, I don't need yet another fucking app on my phone.

I hate to say it but I think the sub is dead.

I know a lot of people are saying, but keep in mind that people were saying the same thing about the old sub 2-3 years ago. I'm not saying you're wrong, it's a possibility for sure, I'm just saying I've seen us bounce back from shit like this before.

When/way was image posting disabled?