To think. It doesn't take much to get a subreddit shut down.

18  2019-04-30 by aRTie02150

  • Posting the video of that horrible shooting that happened recently.


  • Posting photos of Patrick Tomlinson.

What’s happening lads?

We're getting the shaft for our yuma

Photos of crybaby tattletales

You’re allowed to post pictures of Fatty, just not his social media posts

Anyone know where the watchpeopledie videos are being posted now?

Ellen Pao should be tbe focus of this sub- and anyone who actually gave a shit about the old Reddit's ire and weaponized autism. Bitch was at Reddit for the lifespan of a mayfly and completely fucked it up.

To answer your question- not sure what sub it migrated to. I've been missing it since that faggit in NZ. Buncha hypocrites- videos all day of cartel murders and other shooting sprees and then they lose their shit over the mosque thing? Right. Nothing fishy about that.

Does she have an account?

Email- and she's definitely a public figure. There's no ambiguity with that.

She's a useful idiot though - they used her in a interim role to make changes they wanted to do anyhow, she just took the heat.

Also her face is all fucked

local geniuses cheering a bot to number one where laying low has always been key. yay pudding!

Laying low has never been key and you are not one of us. Fuck you

Could we theoretically post a video of Patrick being shot in a mall?


Like any sitting defendant, Mr. Tarrant enjoys a presumption of innocence.

Photos of Tublinson are way more damaging to one’s psyche