Would love to grab a cold road soda with Will Tate. What a great guy and author who isn't dogged by persistent and credible pedophile rumours. Love his starship repo series.

12  2019-04-30 by MarbleSpaceCat


Notice you Google his name and can't find fuck-all about him but how to get his books? No Instagram pics of a laptop at a bar, no Twitter filled with hate-filled rants about women and blacks, no Facebook page with a private membership to NAMBLA groups. Just, "Here are my books, because I'm a writer and writers write book, I hope you enjoy them." Then he goes fishing and bangs the shit out of his loving, supportive wife.

Don't forget to order the Starship Repo series!

He’s an artist doing it for the love of the game. True brotherman

Nigga wrote The Restless Dead, blending genres like a fuckin BOSS.

He's also never had to publicly address the accusation he committed a string of child sex crimes in the early 2000s in Florida under the alias "John Forgoty"

I know he denied it and everything but if you ask me there's no smoke without fire and something is seriously wrong. That's just how I feel about it.

man, I mean, repo'ing star ships? that's pretty original idea right there. totally note lame.

And it’s a concept that can support an entire series of novels in the hands of a talented wordsmith.