I miss Ant having a twitter account. Really shot ourselves in the foot.

12  2019-04-29 by Sueable


His response.....


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme| deletthis

Hey it's Imgural Bumbot again.

Hello Dave

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Who the fuck is Dave, Bumbot?

Really shot ourselves in the foot.

That's certainly something Ant's at no risk of doing these days.

Agreed. People don't like to admit it here but that was a fucking stupid move.

Def was. I loved fuckin with him but I never once reported him.

That’s just drying the well now we have faggot ass cuck Pat to entertain us.

Say what u will about the old child bride killer, he’s better than this no talent pussy.

I stand by it. I’m fine losing his Twitter if it makes him suffer and you know he’s suffering without it. I think he had to look at himself differently after he lost his Twitter and had that disastrous book launch. I don’t think he learned anything and I’m sure he’s been able to convince himself he’s a victim, but I also think he knows it’s all over now - the glory days are never coming back. If he had one bad day because of us, I’d say it was worth it.