Logan isn't any bigger of a celebrity than Patrick. Why did he get in People Magazine and Fatty is ignored?

4  2019-04-29 by spams_seed

Did People call him and he assumed it was someone from here and he hung up on them?


Logan has money.

People isn’t going to publish a sympathetic piece on a white nationalist

Jay Mohr pulled some strings.

literally a homosexual vs. only a faggot

and jay mohr is a bigger best friend than liz zilla

It's because Pat's just another white male hopeless wannabe comic/author so no one cares about him being viciously attacked for being a pedophile (allegedly).

Logan on the other hand is a minority (ginger) and he's also a gay person (faggot). This allows Logan to spin a sob story about how he's being oppressed by evil homophobic right wing trolls who all happen to congregate on the OpieNAnthony subreddit for some reason.

Pat tries the same angle but it just makes him sound like a wackjob because he's a white male and straight (allegedly). An internet forum "attacking" a gay musician is kind of a story because of the oppression angle, even though that part has just been conjured up by Logan's imagination. But not even people who read People would care to read about a normal fat boring guy from the midwest who writes shitty science fiction books and gets teased on the internet.

If Pat was a black cunt or a poofter then he'd be on the media circuit right now stoked about all the free publicity we gave him.

Excellent analysis. Also, Logan is at least tied in to gays. He’s full of shit but on the surface he’s relatable to a large segment of People readers: Fags.