The Starship Repo series by Will Tate from 2011. "Starship Repo is like Smith where I'm from."

38  2019-04-29 by PST4eva


I'm almost done with the first draft of my new novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", I think it's going to be pretty good.

I suggest Philip N. Pecker for a pen name.

"Hmm.. Reploids? Nah that was Megaman... Synths? Nope, Fallout... Hmm.. Replicas? Perfect!"

I just finished revising the final draft about a dog that gets rabies and tries to kill his family, thinking of just naming it after the dog, you think "Fido" is a good title?

I can only hope you turn into a feature length film someday

I just finished Penning my first Novel as well! I’m calling it “Dune”.

The rise, fall...and rise again of Pete Atreides.

How do we get in contact with him. Starship repos release date is in a few weeks I feel like we can disrupt that

u/patrickstomlinson plagiarist

You can't copywrite a title, child, it's not plagiarism. Shows what you know about insurance.

Fat Pat can’t even think of an original title. What a loser!

Fatrick’s new book, Starship Troopers, is about a war between Earth and a planet of MAGA hat wearing terrorists

"Want to know more?"

"Fatrick?" Real mature, child.

And he already incorporated the "Just Desserts" idea into the first page of Gate Crashers ("Blood flowed with the speed of buttercream frosting," etc.) Dirty thief!

Patrick is an unrepentant plagiarist.

Shush child, let the grownups speak...